Monday, January 30, 2017

The Seven Year Entrepreneur - The Beginning

My journey started at my parents house in Connecticut at 3am, seven years ago.  I don't remember when exactly I wanted to become and give myself the acclaimed title of "Entrepreneur".  But something drew me to it, maybe past conversation about it or some other event triggered this passion.  I had no idea where I was going in life but I knew I wanted to help people. 
I knew one day I was going to do just that.  That day is today, January 30th, 2017.  The day I started The Seven Year Entrepreneur.  This blog is more than tips and tricks, it's a direct insight into an entrepreneurial mind.  One mindset you may not associate with a typical entrepreneur. 
Over my span of seven years, I've spent hundreds of hours researching, testing, and observing humanity.  I've watched the way people have interacted with technology as it's gone from the wonder of the first iPhone to transparent aluminum.  Yes folks, technology is more than circuits and wires.  As we humans conduct small amounts of electricity, we can literally be connected to the devices, systems, and architecture of society we live in daily.
Take this journey with me and experience The Seven Year Entrepreneur.


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