Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Whats the Deal about Traffic?

This is a topic I've wanted to talk about for a long time.  Traffic seems to be the golden key to all the success for blogs and getting tons and tons of likes, comments, etc.  Right? 
Here's why.  While traffic is very helpful and I am not diminishing the fact that you need quality traffic generation techniques, my recommendation is to focus on what you are writing about.  I may even go against alot of conventional thoughts but I believe if you make the content relatable, that's what makes the blog popular.
Why do we listen to certain music or watch our favorite shows over and over each week?  It brings us something that speaks only to us, so it seems.
That is my goal in structuring this blog.  I am talking to the individual, the man or woman sitting in a chair at the airport or someone browsing my blog on a subway at 4:56pm. This blog is for you. If I can touch one person's life in a positive and beneficial way, I've done my job.  It all ties into being an entrepreneur.  As much as I want to change the world, let's change my world first and see how it impacts the world I live in. 
So, to wrap this whole blog post, I'm not worried about getting a billion followers by Friday.  I want to focus on the individual person. 
Help me help you.  Share your thoughts on traffic and how it relates to entrepreneurship.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts!


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