Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to Become an Entrepreneur - What it Means For You As a Person

This is a question many of ask ourselves as we start thinking about becoming an entrepreneur: How do we become an entrepreneur?  I'm going to be real with you, it's difficult as f***.  But, it's worth it when you find passion for something greater than yourself, conviction for what you believe in, and persistence to see it through.  Let's take a look at each. 
Passion - This is a key ingredient when even deciding if you want to be an entrepreneur.  My example, for instance, is I crave helping people.  It's been built in to my personality for as long as I can remember.  I think back to when I went to school for IT and when the other students were struggling with the coursework.  I would jump at the opportunity to help them out.  I didn't do it for the attention, I did it because I wanted to.  Trust me, I wasn't always right either.  The fact of the matter was I had a passion which continues to grow daily.
Conviction - You have to have this when you have made a decision to become an entrepreneur.  Believe in yourself, believe in the whole idea of an entrepreneur, imagine yourself as you see fit, not what others see you as.  This is difficult, especially when you experience setbacks.  You think to yourself negative thoughts and that's when most people quit.  Don't.  Fight that urge because when you fail you learn what not to do next time.  It took me years, years to see this.  Don't give up.
Persistence - This last ingredient goes along with conviction.  You can't just go full steam ahead for a week and then crash or move on to another idea.  I've made that mistake more than once.  Part of it was because I have ADHD and I think about several ideas at once and it's hard for me to focus.  I would say over the past year, I really started to slow down and let fate take its course so to speak.  I've seen better results with this method, too.  As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.  We all want it to be because we see popular websites with thousands of pageviews and followers.  We don't realize it may have taken them years to accomplish that feat.  So, take it easy grasshopper!
So, to wrap up this post, we've talked about three keys to your entrepreneurial door: passion, conviction, and persistence.  These will launch you forward and allow you to achieve results more than you ever thought possible. 
Now, get out there and kick a hole in the moon!
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